  • meet marie surf training

Say Hola to our Co-Founder and Salty Souls surf coach ‘MC’

Say "Hola!" to our co-founder and Salty Souls surf coach Marie-Christine Amyot, aka "MC" - the co-founder, head trainer and workout creator in the Salty Club app, as well as the co-creator of the Salty Mama package, and a new mama herself to her baby son Tiago. Originally from Canada, she made a life and career for herself and the Salty team in Ecuador, surf coaching and building the Salty empire. Believe it or not, Montreal-born MC was once a high-heel wearing city slicker with a too-packed [...]

Surfing While Pregnant: Some Things to Know

Surfing While Pregnant: Some Things You Should Know. As soon as you announce you’re pregnant, you may find the opinions, insights, advice and judgement starts coming at you from all angles. Eve-rything from what you’re eating, to what you’re doing, to how you look, to [...]

Eco-Anxiety and How We Can Start Saving The Planet

Eco-anxiety refers to anxiety or worry about the biological threats facing the earth. This is definitely a very new phenomena that many of us are facing. It is seen as a typical reaction to a growing awareness of the problems that can result from climate [...]

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Surf Competitions: How do they Actually Freaking Work?

Everyone can agree that everything related to surf is pretty cool. So are surf competitions. They're fun to watch, they connect us to our surfing inspirations and it's pretty nice to see people killing [...]

  • erika lust

Lady Porn; Best Erotica for Women

Research shows that women’s pleasure is often more multifaceted and responsive to emotional, contextual, and psychological factors compared to men’s. Studies have found that women’s arousal and satisfaction tend to be influenced by a [...]

PRANAYAMA – How learning to control your breath will make you a super-human

Have you ever met someone who was just so full of life, it felt like they were radiating? Someone that had a perceivable magnetism, and therefore seemed to be attracting all the good into [...]

Cabbage, Tofu and Sesame Salad

This cabbage, tofu and sesame salad is a huge step up from your standard tomato-and-lettuce salad combo. The blend of textures and flavors will have you coming back for seconds every time. ↠ Ingredients ↞ 1 package of rice noodles ½ cup of toasted peanuts [...]

  • triathlon for beginners

On the keto diet, weight loss and training for a triathlon

Hi, my name is Erika. I’m 30 years old. I’m the fittest I’ve been in years, and dude, that feels amazing. Here’s what’s written in between the lines: it wasn’t always like that. I’ve always been an active person. More than the average Joe or [...]

SALTY IN FAR WAY INDONESIA // Part 1 ~ The Getting There

Every cult has its mecca, that one place fanatics dream of experiencing with their own living soul. Surfing is no exception: Indonesia it is. In the last decade Indo has easily become the promised land for surfers and non-surfers alike, rapidly gaining popularity as one [...]

SALTY IN FAR AWAY INDONESIA // Part 2 ~ Life à la Robinson Crusoe

If you missed it, read: Part 1- The Getting There  THE HABITATION We had settled into a modest land camp at the southern tip of the island. Six ocean front rooms with flower pattern mosquitos nets, a disproportionally spacious bathroom with a tiny sink, a shower [...]

SALTY IN FAR AWAY INDONESIA // Part 3 – Surfing on Razor Blades

If you haven't read them yet, first read Part 1 and Part 2. Beyond the stormy boat ride and the wild pig BBQ, the real point to coming all the way here was obviously to surf impeccable waves. But we would be lying if we [...]

How to Hydrate

Drink more water. We all know we should, but most of us don’t. The algorithm depends on many variables for just how much water each of us needs such as exercise intensity, the climate of where we live in, diet etc. Very roughly speaking the [...]

  • eating-habits-for-the-planet

Eating Habits For The Planet

In honor of Mother Earth, we must ask ourselves: how can we clean up our eating habits for the planet? How can we support a harmonious ecosystem, a natural food system that provides so much for us and asks for nothing in return? The direction [...]