
I am restless, you are not. You are restless, I am not. How to bridge the restlessness gap in relationships.

photo by @jessallenartist Ah, restlessness. That itchy, unsettled, skin-feels-one-size-too-small feeling. And when one partner has it, and one doesn't, I call that the restlessness gap. I knew it well, once. That feeling that my true self was off living a life somewhere else, and I was [...]

By |May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Adventure, Love stuff, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on I am restless, you are not. You are restless, I am not. How to bridge the restlessness gap in relationships.

What makes good sex

Have you ever bought a pair of handcuffs, a sex game, or some other novelty sex item with the goal of 'spicing up' your sex life, only to never use it?   Have you ever read up on techniques or moves that promise to 'make you [...]

By |February 29th, 2020|Categories: Love stuff, Sex|Comments Off on What makes good sex

How I stopped chasing love and learnt to love myself instead

I didn’t grow up feeling loved, or complete, or beautiful. Like many of us, I grew up questioning what love was, watching toxic versions of it playing in front of my eyes like a fucked-up movie. I was left with such a twisted version of [...]

By |December 26th, 2019|Categories: Love stuff|Comments Off on How I stopped chasing love and learnt to love myself instead

More love is always on the way

When my first boyfriend broke up with me at 21, I panicked. Like a parent rips the hot warm sheets off their sleeping kid in the middle of winter, after their kid ignored their ‘it’s time to get ready for school’ warnings five times over. [...]

By |December 15th, 2019|Categories: Love stuff|Comments Off on More love is always on the way