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January & February // OPEN!

  Playa El Zonte, El Salvador

JANUARY 18 – 25 // 3 spots!
fully booked
JANUARY 18 – 25, 2025
MARCH 2025 : 2 departures
AUGUST 23 -30, 2025

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I am restless, you are not. You are restless, I am not. How to bridge the restlessness gap in relationships.

By |May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Adventure, Love stuff, Travel|Tags: , , |

Ah, restlessness. That itchy, unsettled, skin-feels-one-size-too-small feeling. And when one partner has it, and one doesn't, I call that the restlessness gap. I knew it well, once. That feeling that my true self was off living [...]

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Why I’m done with beginner’s shame… and you should be too

By |March 3rd, 2024|Categories: Empowerment, Surf|

Why do we get so embarrassed when we’re learning a new sport or skill or craft? I call it beginner's shame.  PERSON: “Are these your paintings?” US: "I mean, yes… but like, I’m JUST STARTING [...]

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South Sumatra – Indonesia as we remember it

By |March 1st, 2024|Categories: Adventure, Surf|

As I am about to write the full chronicle of our recent adventure in South Sumatra, I search #sumatra in my personal Notes app. I find this quick list of places and names of the [...]

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