
Eco Anxiety: How to Deal when the World is on Fire and everything seems Hopeless

I put up a post recently regarding my eco –anxiety, since recent news of the Amazon being ablaze. You feel pretty powerless, as there’s only so much on person can do when it feels so many around us are behaving so complacently. Generally I’ve become numb to it, what’s happening with our world, but occasionally it’ll strike me just how tragic our situation is and how the clock is ticking, with the ticks only getting faster. It’s an endless circle of questions for me, Why, [...]

How creativity will improve your life

What do you think of when you think of a ‘creativity’ and 'creatives'? Do you consider yourself a creative? Or do you think creativity only belongs to a select few? The employed and commissioned painters, writers, musicians and artists of the world? Those guys? This [...]

Hummus: your nutrient packed condiment award-winner

      Yields about 4-5 cups of hummus. ↠ Ingredients ↞ Chickpeas aka the garbanzo beans, 2 regular sized can (15oz/425g) Lemon juice, of 2 lemons Garlic, 4 large cloves microplanned Tahini, 2 heaping tablespoons Olive oil, 1/2 cup Turmeric, 1 tsp ground (or [...]

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Surf Competitions: How do they Actually Freaking Work?

Everyone can agree that everything related to surf is pretty cool. So are surf competitions. They're fun to watch, they connect us to our surfing inspirations and it's pretty nice to see people killing [...]

  • erika lust

Lady Porn; Best Erotic Content for Women

Lady Porn; Best Erotic Content for Women   “You do not know what you are missing by your microscopic examination of sexual activity to the exclusion of aspects which are fuel that ignites it. [...]

PRANAYAMA – How learning to control your breath will make you a super-human

Have you ever met someone who was just so full of life, it felt like they were radiating? Someone that had a perceivable magnetism, and therefore seemed to be attracting all the good into [...]

Our 10 Fave Podcasts for Women

10 best podcasts for women Is there anything better than a podcast? It’s like your personalised radio show for any topic ON THE PLANET accessible to you ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET. Some people want for simpler days when phones weren’t glued to our hand but [...]

Female Creatives and Impostor Syndrome

Let's talk about impostor syndrome. “Are you scared?” She said. “Yes.” I was on the phone to the illustrator who was going to help me design the cover of my first book. It had taken me almost a year to get on the phone, brainstorm [...]

Massaged Lacinato Kale Salad

4 meal size servings + leftovers 15 minutes no waiting time ↠ Ingredients ↞ Lacinato kale, 2 bunches washed and torn into bite size pieces Raw garlic, micro-planned or minced Fresh lemon juice, 4 tablespoon Organic virgin olive oil, 1/2 cup Regular yellow mustard, 1 [...]

Your earth-friendly surf trip: the essentials

It's plastic-free July, so we wanted to share some of our plastic-free favorites. Surfboard combs Dude. Would you look at these surfboard combs? Are they not the prettiest things you ever did see? What if we told you they were made from upcycled plastic found [...]

Location independent, digital nomadism and building a business overseas: the truth

People tend to put backpacker, traveller, digital nomad and location independent in the same category. Can I tell you guys a secret? It’s the same one I told my partner last night, and I had the same twist-gut feeling telling him as I now do [...]

Meet our *NEW* Salty Club chef Taylor Godber (+ FREE Watermelon Ceviche recipe)

"Consciousness starts by taking care of the vessel we do have: what we feed it, literally and energetically (our conversation with ourselves). How does food make you feel? what foods make you 'feel' good?" -Taylor Godber *scroll down for free watermelon ceviche recipe* We first [...]

UTI while traveling: How Not To Get One

*consult your doctor before taking any new kind of UTI medication, for realz. I'm not a doctor. Repeat: I am not a doctor. If you're unsure about whether you've ever had a Urinary Tract Infection, I can tell you right away the answer is 'no'. [...]