10 best podcasts for women

Is there anything better than a podcast? It’s like your personalised radio show for any topic ON THE PLANET accessible to you ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET. Some people want for simpler days when phones weren’t glued to our hand but I’d rather superglue my phone to my eyeballs than live in a world where I can’t access my podcasts.

For your language learning:

Duolingo Spanish Podcast

This podcast is dope for anyone at intermediate-level Spanish or French. Studying a language and being able to read it is one thing, but your language doesn’t really take off until you can speak it and understand it as it is being spoken to you. In these podcasts you listen to interesting, true-life stories that help your listening and comprehension skills.

For your creativity:

Magic Lessons by Liz Gilbert

This is an oldie but a goodie. Liz Gilbert did two seasons of this Podcast series where she basically helps diagnose people’s creative blocks, and then helps them midwife their projects. She also gets relevant experts and creatives on for added insight and assistance. If you’re experiencing a creative crisis of any kind, I would dive into this P-cast.

For making the world a better place to live in:

Reclaim by Thais Sky

Life coach, writer and teacher Thais Sky explores a huge range of topics, often with equally incredible guests, in her epic podcast Reclaim. She speaks on the self-help/ spirituality industry, why we need to care about and talk about social justice and white supremacy and reclaiming our worthiness as women in this messy world.

For making your mind a nicer place to be in:

Therapy Thoughts by Tiffany Roe

Tiffany Roe is a mental health counselor who shares quick therapy lessons that improve your life with each episode. She explores real tools and tips to help you love yourself, your mind, your body and your relationship with food.

I am Home by Melissa De Blok

I am home is a new podcast by photographer, writer and musician Melissa De Blok. This is a vulnerable podcast that attempts to explore shadows and the truest home we have: the self. No masks, no perfection, no editing. I love de Blok’s ability to explore this idea of self development and growth from a grounded, unfiltered perspective that doesn’t call us to cut off or deny our human messiness, but to embody it and be honest about it.

For your relationship with your sexuality:

BBXX World: Let’s Get Intimate! With Sasza Lohrey 

A podcast that challenges the way our culture conditions us to talk about sex, intimacy and healthy relationships. Forget everything you’ve ever been taught. Drop the expectations of yourself. Provocative and entertaining conversations with experts that leave you with insight that will allow you to transform your life and your relationships. Our close relationships account for 70% of our happiness and 90% of our wellness, we should be working on them, strengthening them, deepening our understanding of our relationships with others.

The Spread by Kaz

The spread is a Kenyan-based podcast by Kaz Lucas, a strong and outspoken TV presenter. This bold, long-running podcast has endured criticism and public outrage (homosexuality is still criminalized in Kenya) and continues to be raw, hilarious, sexy and brave. Resources about sex for women is more than just getting turned on and exploring your desires. It’s a political and educational tool that promotes safety, equality and health for women in so many ways.  More of this, please.

True Sex Wild Love by Dr. Wednesday Martin and Whitney Miller

True Sex and Wild Love is an “open-minded exploration of love, sex and relationship in the modern world.” They talk unconventional relationships, sex tech, monkeys and marriage and everything in between.

For your brain:

Making Sense by Sam Harris

This guy makes my brain bend in half. Recommended by a friend, Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher and best-selling author. He explores some of the most important questions about the human mind, society, and current events.

The Salty Club by Caitlin, Erika and Marie-Christine

Of course we gotta plug our own love child here. What makes a woman unstoppable ? It takes courage to wake up and step into big shoes everyday. We are here to offer direction from other women who have walked the same path. Access interviews + masterclasses that get real on career, relationships, travel, creativity, spirituality and social action. Time for school, chicas! Access the Salty Club podcasts >> here <<