
Five Minutes with Surf Photographer Cait Miers

Lush beach settings, impossibly blue-green waters and magical all-girl surf sessions in exotic surf locations all over the world. Meet Cait Miers, the woman behind the lense (and screen) of @caitmiersphotography. At 24, she has released a book, a swimwear line, has a 100,000+ strong [...]

By |April 14th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Five Minutes with Surf Photographer Cait Miers

Why ‘ready enough’ is good enough.

Roughly how many times in the past six months have you told yourself you’re not ready? I’m not ready to apply for that job. I’m not ready to share my gifts with the world. I’m not ready to be more visible, more vocal, more honest, [...]

By |March 14th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why ‘ready enough’ is good enough.

You contribute to the revolution… {poem}

You contribute to the revolution Every time you get good and vulnerable Every time you voice your emotional needs in your relationships, clearly, assertively Without apology for being "such a girl" You contribute to the revolution Every time you refuse to compete or feel threatened [...]

By |March 7th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on You contribute to the revolution… {poem}

Your two-month check-in: journalling exercises to tune-up your intentions and get you firing again!!

We're officially two months into 2018, where January seemed to last a year and February passed in two days. So now is a great time to check-in with yourself, where you're at, and where you're heading into March and April. It's journalling time! Do the [...]

By |March 4th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Your two-month check-in: journalling exercises to tune-up your intentions and get you firing again!!

How to Stop Comparing Your Life to Other People’s: a no BS guide

There is no quicker way to make yourself feel like a bag of shit than to compare your life with someone else’s. I think the Buddha said that. Or Mariah Carey. Whatever. The point is, I do not believe truer words have ever been spoken. [...]

By |February 24th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on How to Stop Comparing Your Life to Other People’s: a no BS guide

Thank you for setting me free

If you’d have wanted me back Back then I never would have left the city.   And then I never would have seen the sun setting over the desert in New Mexico as I sat in a circle of wild witches, howling at the sky. [...]

By |January 28th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Thank you for setting me free

Sobriety, moderation, conscious drinking: is it time to recalibrate your relationship with alcohol?

First light It was January first, 2018. The first day of the new year. The sun hadn’t even risen yet and my feet speared the cold sand as I walked toward the water. I remember that feeling of breaking the skin of the sea, my [...]

By |January 18th, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Sobriety, moderation, conscious drinking: is it time to recalibrate your relationship with alcohol?

Have you checked your energetic hygiene lately?

As children, we were taught to be strict with our personal hygiene. To wash our hands and clean our teeth.  To change our undies daily (unless, like my sister, clothes were a foreign concept to you and you ran around 92% of the time in [...]

By |January 3rd, 2018|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Have you checked your energetic hygiene lately?

I hope you break your resolutions on day 1

I hope on the first day of 2018, you break one of your resolutions. And it takes you two or ten or twenty startovers to get into the swing of your new habit So you may see The consciously 'not doing' of something you promised [...]

By |December 28th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on I hope you break your resolutions on day 1

Ten no-bullsh*t affirmations to turn your average day around

Mantra's are nice and feel good and all but sometimes all that light and sparkles needs a bit more grit to feel like me. Here are ten no-bullshit affirmations to turn your average day around. - Caitlin 1. I fiercely love and champion myself, exactly as I [...]

By |November 16th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Ten no-bullsh*t affirmations to turn your average day around

Meet Caitlin — Woman of a Thousand Words

Where are you from? I am from Yankalilla, a small country town in South Australia. But my latest hometown of ten years before moving to El Salvador was the city of Perth, Australia. What got you into writing ? I have always written, ever since [...]

By |November 9th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Meet Caitlin — Woman of a Thousand Words

You do not need to earn love, least of all from yourself.

It’s easy to love yourself when you’re feeling productive.It’s harder when you’ve been procrastinating for four hours and you feel like any move toward doing something constructive is a slow crawl through thick mud.   It’s easy to love yourself and feel like a MF [...]

By |October 25th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on You do not need to earn love, least of all from yourself.

For all the times I didn’t tell you to back off.

Tonight, I shook hands with a guy that had literally just treated me with disrespect. I was furious and offended, and I still offered my hand. Only to walk away and suddenly want to explode with all the things I actually meant to tell [...]

By |October 24th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on For all the times I didn’t tell you to back off.

Things I want my Future Daughter to know

(Co-written by Caitlin Creeper and Erika Drolet) Dear daughter, As much as I would like to nurture and protect you from the wildness of the world we live in, I also know that life is one hell of a great adventure that has to be [...]

By |October 7th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Things I want my Future Daughter to know

Stop trying to control the uncontrollable, man.

*This is actually a journal entry from January 2016. I had just moved from Perth, Australia, to South Australia, without any clue what my next life step was. This was before I moved overseas. Before I turned writing into my full-time job. Before I learnt that [...]

By |September 26th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Stop trying to control the uncontrollable, man.

Stop running away from “bad feelings”

Running away from all the "bad feels" Ya know when sometimes you're not having a great day and you tell a loved one and they try come up with a solution for you... but that isn't really what you wanted? You just wanted someone to [...]

By |September 1st, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Stop running away from “bad feelings”

I refuse to be the “chill girl.”

If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive. - Audre Lorde Also published at Elephant Journal. I refuse to be the “chill girl.” If you interrupt me I will not let it slide. [...]

By |August 23rd, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on I refuse to be the “chill girl.”

BLISS is Orgasmic – & Doesn’t Have to Do With Sex

Do you remember the last time you felt an absolute moment of bliss ? You know, I’m sure you do, of those moments where the world stopped spinning for an instant. In that moment all the dots seem to connect. Every focal points that creates [...]

By |August 22nd, 2017|Categories: Empowerment, Yoga|Comments Off on BLISS is Orgasmic – & Doesn’t Have to Do With Sex

Falling: what is it and why are we so scared of it?

Ok dude. Let’s get this clear. Falling. What is it? Gravity pulling you down at 9,81 m/s2? Falling down the stairs? Falling off a twenty-storey building? Or even falling in love? (yeah, that one can mess you up real good too.) Falling also sounds like [...]

By |August 14th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Falling: what is it and why are we so scared of it?

I’m sorry, but screw your ‘Perfect Partner’ checklist

All these boxes These checklists women prepare Dot-points, paragraphs and rulebooks on what their ideal partner must have Before they will even think to open their hearts, to share their lives with someone I hear this so often He’ll have his own successful company and [...]

By |August 4th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on I’m sorry, but screw your ‘Perfect Partner’ checklist

Burned-out at 27: What Happens When You Fall Off the Carousel

I’ve been a Grey’s Anatomy fan since forever, way before I went to medical school. I remember watching all first three seasons in a record-breaking short amount of time and thinking I wanted to be Meredith Grey. Now, let me clear the air before I [...]

By |July 11th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Burned-out at 27: What Happens When You Fall Off the Carousel

Your limiting beliefs are holding you back: here’s how to push past them

It all started with some hot sauce... I went out for dinner with a friend last night, this cool little bar that specialises in hot sauces. So like, they bring out about seven hot sauces, all ranging from mild to please-for-the-love-of-god-don't-do-sexy-things-with-your-boy-after-eating-this-cause-you-will-set-their-peenie-on-fire kind of hot. Anyway, [...]

By |June 11th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Your limiting beliefs are holding you back: here’s how to push past them

Why I Skate

This time last year, I set out on a one-way ticket to El Salvador. I made rough plans to spend my summer learning how to surf and to improve my Spanish, but even rough plans don’t always follow course. I got in over my head, [...]

By |June 6th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why I Skate

Why you’ll probably never feel like you have your shit together

I just need to get something off my chest: Kdsuehcdjsueq,jsgcowue fojwebvjkqsbuicadchouohas iuggvuecq;;;. Gah. That wasn’t even as satisfying as I’d hoped. I’ve been waiting to do it for like three hours now. Three hours since I’ve wanted to start this article, to sit down and [...]

By |May 30th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why you’ll probably never feel like you have your shit together

Would you Run Away from Time with Me ?

How long are you here for ? That damn question... I’ve been spinning around this globe without a fixed address for almost three years now. Where the fuck did time go? It passed. It slipped. It got gone, I guess... Have you ever noticed how in [...]

By |April 24th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Would you Run Away from Time with Me ?

Why Yoga and Margaritas is my kind of BALANCE

Balance: TF it actually mean? What do you think of when you hear the word balance? Do you do what I do, and picture the girl who wakes up and does her yoga practice religiously at the same time every day? Who then sits down [...]

By |April 20th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Why Yoga and Margaritas is my kind of BALANCE

Let’s get real about “Inspiration”

Feature Image Lauren Bullen It's been a while since I last wrote for Salty. What have I been up to since then? Really, I've got nothing to tell you about. I haven’t been surfing perfect lefts in Bali or doing yoga on a remote, tropical island. [...]

By |April 14th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Let’s get real about “Inspiration”

Meet Meg: Intern at the Salty Casa + Holistic Health Ninja

Meg has been doing her internship with us in Ecuador, specifically, working alongside Ariane in the kitchen to bring the troops delicious, nutritious foods. Here, she tells her story.  I've played soccer and competitive sports since I was five. It was through playing competitive sports [...]

By |April 6th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Meet Meg: Intern at the Salty Casa + Holistic Health Ninja

We Ask Women Killing it in Their Field: What Was Your First Job? (Part 2)

They're killing it in their field now- but everyone has to start somewhere! Here the girls of Salty, June and Gemsita spill: what was their first job?! Marie-Christine Amyot Co-Founder Salty Souls Experience "I was fifteen and I remember I had made about fifty copies [...]

By |April 2nd, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on We Ask Women Killing it in Their Field: What Was Your First Job? (Part 2)

Meet Geraldine: Combining Work & Travel Through the Power of Her Hands

Meet Geraldine: body-mind therapist, specialising in massage, reiki and meditation. She was kicking it wish us in Ecuador this season just past, and now is on her way to Costa Rica, and hopes to be in Bali by the end of the year. This is [...]

By |March 6th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Meet Geraldine: Combining Work & Travel Through the Power of Her Hands