
Why Smart Women Lose Themselves in Love

Image by Janneke Storm Losing yourself in love Recently a friend of mine was going through a breakup. Usually, I'm pretty good at breakups (unless, of course, they are my own, as my friends who saw me throw the entirety of my ex-boyfriends suitcase in a [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why Smart Women Lose Themselves in Love

It’s time to Rewrite your Story

Feature Image: Lex Weinstein HI, I'M SCARED, WHAT'S YOUR NAME ? I currently live in a small surf town and one question I'm asked a lot of is 'do you surf?' And my answer, up until recently, was always the same. Always a variation of: [...]

By |January 29th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on It’s time to Rewrite your Story

We Ask Women Killing it in their Field: What Was your First Job? (Part.1)

First jobs- everyone has them, and wether we'd like to admit it or not, all first jobs tend to teach us a lesson we carry with us for life. Here we asked five women at the top of their professional game right now: what was [...]

By |January 22nd, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on We Ask Women Killing it in their Field: What Was your First Job? (Part.1)

Creative Careers: Maybe University is Not the Way

I just finished my university degree. Just then. Like five minutes ago. How do I feel? Elated, I guess. Relieved. A maker of big rash decisions, booker of last-minute plane flights, Caitlin Creeper cut-and-run, I am proud I stuck to this one thing and saw [...]

By |January 14th, 2017|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Creative Careers: Maybe University is Not the Way

What makes one go from being ‘Pretty Good’ to ‘Fucking Great’?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the difference between the ones who accomplish great / epic things in any domain — sport, career, adventure, arts, development, etc — and the ones who are doing fine, but never seem to stand out… What actually makes [...]

By |January 1st, 2017|Categories: Empowerment, Life hacks|Comments Off on What makes one go from being ‘Pretty Good’ to ‘Fucking Great’?

Becoming Real: Dream Jobs, Crazy Loves… And What Happens When the High Dies Down

At the start of this year, I got rid of three-quarters of my clothes. I quit both my jobs (one I loved and one I hated). I sold my car and my bed. I gave up my room in an apartment I loved in Perth, [...]

By |November 27th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Becoming Real: Dream Jobs, Crazy Loves… And What Happens When the High Dies Down

Dreams and Wanderlust as a Woman of a Certain Age and a Mother

Standing on a beach alone in Tofino, post surf euphoria setting in, I understood that I had to travel to the end of the world alone in order to hear my heart. I had to leave the noise of everyone who gets a piece of [...]

By |November 9th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Dreams and Wanderlust as a Woman of a Certain Age and a Mother

What About ‘Do Not Frickin Touch Me’ ? About Sexism when Travelling.

When you travel, space is an expensive luxury. And if you travel with a tight budget you kinda have to prepare yourself to cram like a sardine into shuttles, planes, bars and fifteen-bed hostel dorms for 10 dollars a night. Most of the time it’s [...]

By |November 5th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on What About ‘Do Not Frickin Touch Me’ ? About Sexism when Travelling.

Janne Robinson’s Five Daily Habits for Maximum Confidence

>> Come vibe with us & Janne Robinson this Winter in El Salvador (Special Edition) Janne Robinson takes slabs of her heart and shares them with the world for a living. That's how she describes her day job. Her poems are raw and gutsy, with titles [...]

By |October 2nd, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Janne Robinson’s Five Daily Habits for Maximum Confidence

Why You Should Stop Being Nice

Image credit: @raskal for @dear_milu HOW CAN YOU PROMOTE NOT BEING NICE?! Let's start with a dictionary definition: nice nīs/ adjective pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory. Bet you can guess where I'm going with this. Have you ever wanted to be deemed a nice person? Because here's [...]

By |September 15th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why You Should Stop Being Nice

“Only love is real. The rest is irrelevant bullsh*t.” Renae Saxby honours brother Daniel with important message for Salty’s.

By Renae Saxby I’m stuck in a funk today… I have been since Monday. This weekend is my little brothers Memorial weekend – a big party we have in the hills with all of our legendary loved ones to celebrate his life and his vibrant [...]

By |June 28th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on “Only love is real. The rest is irrelevant bullsh*t.” Renae Saxby honours brother Daniel with important message for Salty’s.

Change: It Isn’t Always Meant to Feel Good

For the last few years I have been seeking change and growth like a madman. Physical, spiritual, intellectual, geographical, emotional. Basically any kind of ‘ical’ or ‘al’ that makes me feel like I’m expanding myself, opening myself up to all the experiences the universe has [...]

By |June 22nd, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Change: It Isn’t Always Meant to Feel Good

On the Phone with MAAD Maude !

If you're a chick who's into her winter sports, chances are you've already heard of Maude ‘’MAAD’’ Raymond! Born and raised in the province of Quebec, Canada, and having freestyle skied professionally for roughly ten years now, Maude is one badass woman that ain't afraid of heights! Sitting [...]

By |May 23rd, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on On the Phone with MAAD Maude !

How to Make the Good Stuff in Life Spin in your Favor

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” -Anaïs Nin This article is for the people who have had that voice in their head saying "there's something more out there [...]

By |May 13th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on How to Make the Good Stuff in Life Spin in your Favor

Why Do I Keep Running After the Wrong Guys ?

Has it ever happened to you: a guy enters the room, and the moment you see him your jaw almost drops open. You’re like: Who the frick is this??? His charisma, look and status is intimidating. But he's challenging. And challenge is exciting. Since a girl normally [...]

By |May 4th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why Do I Keep Running After the Wrong Guys ?

How to Gracefully Own Making a Public Mess of your Passion Project

Image via Pinterest   Inspiration comes to us in the craziest ways. Anyone who has ever embarked on a creative project has experienced that midnight rush that has you sitting bolt upright, throwing on the light, and reaching for a pen, or a phone [...]

By |April 28th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on How to Gracefully Own Making a Public Mess of your Passion Project

You Can Only Lose what you’re Holding On to.

I’ve lately found myself questioning why letting go of what hurts us is such a difficult process, only to realize that it’s often because we don’t want to. We too often choose to tightly grasp to suffering because it is comfortable and validates our pain. [...]

By |April 10th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on You Can Only Lose what you’re Holding On to.

How to meditate if you’re bad at meditating

I'm bad at meditating. There. I said it. We know we should do it. We know it reduces stress, anxiety, promotes clearer thinking, enhances self awareness, lengthens your attention span, makes you a person that says 'namaste' a lot (optional.) If you took one look [...]

By |April 1st, 2016|Categories: Empowerment, Yoga|Comments Off on How to meditate if you’re bad at meditating

“I Crave a Love so Deep, the Ocean would be Jealous.”

L.O.V.E. That shit is fucked. We say that “in the end, only 3 things matter: How much you’ve loved How fully you’ve lived How gracefully you’ve let go of the things that were not meant for you.” This nomadic lifestyle, I’ve chosen it, as others [...]

By |March 24th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on “I Crave a Love so Deep, the Ocean would be Jealous.”

Renae Saxby: Globe-Roamer, Photographer, Makeup Artist, Travel Writer and Renegade Badass.

Interview by Caitlin Creeper Renae Saxby used to own a day spa. She was good at it, had beautiful clients, and had a spa set on 100 acres in a major, scenic wine-growing region in New South Wales, Australia. She had a good income, and [...]

By |March 21st, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Renae Saxby: Globe-Roamer, Photographer, Makeup Artist, Travel Writer and Renegade Badass.

Finding Your Tribe

 If you're here it's probably because, like us, at some stage you found yourself searching for a little somethin' somethin' more out of this life. As spiritual teacher Ram Dass explained to a crowd in San Francisco over forty years ago, sometimes this thing happens [...]

By |February 18th, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Finding Your Tribe

2016: Dancing with the Divine

"Gifts come to us when we open ourselves to the single greatest truth that those before us knew: there is a larger world behind the one we see around us every day. That larger world loves us more than we can possibly imagine, and it [...]

By |January 2nd, 2016|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on 2016: Dancing with the Divine

Shame Resilience: A Vulnerability Hangover Cure

“I love being horribly straightforward. I love sending reckless text messages (because how reckless can a form of digitized communication be?) and telling people I love them and telling people they are absolutely magical humans and I cannot believe they really exist. I love saying, [...]

By |December 17th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Shame Resilience: A Vulnerability Hangover Cure

F*ck Boundaries / End of Semester (Or How to Stay Creative)

When we were younger, we were comfortable pushing boundaries. It was like a rite of passage. We'd push our parents for later curfews, push our teachers patience while giggling in class with our friends (remember how when you weren't allowed to laugh, it just made [...]

By |December 10th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on F*ck Boundaries / End of Semester (Or How to Stay Creative)

Why Kate’s Killing It

Kate Dawson: Marine scientist, researcher, traveller, shark lover, photographer, videographer, surfer. Interview by Caitlin Creeper The girl who got her scuba diving licence at thirteen, pulled a new passion out of a brutal surfing encounter at fifteen and at twenty-two has already contributed to important marine research here [...]

By |November 18th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Why Kate’s Killing It

Damn Hippies

Why Yoga, Meditation, Surfing, Travelling or Following a Spiritual Path doesn't make you a Hippie, but someone in the state of a major awakening.   I think I essentially started my spiritual path when I was seventeen. The thing was, back then I didn't even [...]

By |November 16th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Damn Hippies

I Destroyed this House I Built

I built it because I wanted to belong. I wanted to protect myself. I wanted to be someone to the world. I say I built it as if I was the only one laying the foundation and cementing each brick. The truth is, I didn’t [...]

By |November 8th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on I Destroyed this House I Built

Let’s Talk Instragram – The Essena O’Neill Storm & How To Use IG Positively

If you've been online anywhere in the Western World this week chances are you've heard of Essena O'Neill. Otherwise known in the mainstream media as the famous young Instagram model who doused her career in gasoline, set it on fire and danced around the flames [...]

By |November 5th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Let’s Talk Instragram – The Essena O’Neill Storm & How To Use IG Positively

Take Control of your Dreams

Have you ever asked yourself what was your reason for existence? Why you were put on this earth? Who you were meant to be? Well, these days, those questions seem to haunt me. Ever since I was a child, I was told I had to [...]

By |October 26th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on Take Control of your Dreams

5 Reasons Crazy Girls Do It Better

There's a certain little word that likes to be tacked on to women who choose to live outside a certain accepted norm. And this label is "crazy". Not only does it put negative connotations to those who actually are living with a mental illness (not [...]

By |October 26th, 2015|Categories: Empowerment|Comments Off on 5 Reasons Crazy Girls Do It Better