
Why You Fell Out of Love with Your Sport (And How to Reclaim the Joy)

Falling Out of Love with Your Sport: When Ego Takes the Wheel If you're here, you've probably felt that dizzying, intoxicating feeling of falling in love with a new sport. Wether it was the first time you stood on a surfboard and wobbled your way [...]

By |January 19th, 2025|Categories: Adventure, Empowerment, Life hacks|Comments Off on Why You Fell Out of Love with Your Sport (And How to Reclaim the Joy)

The Truth About Living an Unconventional Life Abroad: Is It Worth It?

photo by Andy Dubois If you asked me about leaving the traditional life for the unconventional life, a new life in a new country, no set 9-5, making a living from different, constantly changing income streams so we have more time to play, I’d say [...]

By |January 3rd, 2025|Categories: Adventure, Empowerment, Travel|Comments Off on The Truth About Living an Unconventional Life Abroad: Is It Worth It?

How to Know When it’s Time to Leave

How do we know when it's time to leave? Should I stay or should I go. What if this is just a phase? What if I regret it? What if I never find anything better? “Do not choose the lesser life. do you hear me. [...]

By |September 26th, 2024|Categories: Adventure, Empowerment|Comments Off on How to Know When it’s Time to Leave

Scared you’re not living your life to the fullest? Read this.

What's your biggest fear? Sorry, I know we just started this conversation, and, like, we're getting deep pretty quickly here. Kind of like when at my birthday drinks recently one of my friends asked another friend (they had only just met); 'do you want cake?' [...]

By |September 4th, 2024|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Scared you’re not living your life to the fullest? Read this.

I am restless, you are not. You are restless, I am not. How to bridge the restlessness gap in relationships.

photo by @jessallenartist Ah, restlessness. That itchy, unsettled, skin-feels-one-size-too-small feeling. And when one partner has it, and one doesn't, I call that the restlessness gap. I knew it well, once. That feeling that my true self was off living a life somewhere else, and I was [...]

By |May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Adventure, Love stuff, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on I am restless, you are not. You are restless, I am not. How to bridge the restlessness gap in relationships.

South Sumatra – Indonesia as we remember it

As I am about to write the full chronicle of our recent adventure in South Sumatra, I search #sumatra in my personal Notes app. I find this quick list of places and names of the surf world I had stitched together on September 20th, 2014.  [...]

By |March 1st, 2024|Categories: Adventure, Surf|Comments Off on South Sumatra – Indonesia as we remember it

8 Days a Salty: On Body Image, Bonding, and Being a Beginner in El Salvador

A few weeks ago I hopped on a plane from Australia to take part in the first Salty Souls Experience for the season. And it is fair to say I came out a different person than I was when I went in. To try fit [...]

By |June 11th, 2023|Categories: Adventure, Surf|Comments Off on 8 Days a Salty: On Body Image, Bonding, and Being a Beginner in El Salvador

Lofoten: a cold-water surf paradise

Photos by Fredrikke Sofie Jerring In the Northernmost part of Norway, above the Arctic Circle in an archipelago surrounded by rough waters, astonishing majestic mountains, breathtaking fjords and world class waves you find Lofoten. A cold-water surf paradise, and probably one of the most remote [...]

By |January 28th, 2023|Categories: Adventure, Surf, Travel|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Lofoten: a cold-water surf paradise

Dew Promchareon on Thailand’s Growing Surf Scene

In this article, Caitlin Creeper sits down to talk Thailand's Growing Surf Scene with Dew Promchareon. Where are you from? Rayong, Thailand. I learnt how to surf there but I usually move down to Phuket or Khao Lak as they get more swell. I am [...]

By |November 4th, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Empowerment, Surf, Training and fitness, Travel, Wellness|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Dew Promchareon on Thailand’s Growing Surf Scene

10 days Living on Water -The Trip I Almost Did Not Take

A trip that started a little over 2 years ago. It's early pandemic, and I have just been repatriated to Canada from El Salvador on a flight organized by the embassy. Upon arrival, my parents send me off to a cottage to quarantine by a [...]

By |September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Surf|Comments Off on 10 days Living on Water -The Trip I Almost Did Not Take

On the keto diet, weight loss and training for a triathlon

Hi, my name is Erika. I’m 30 years old. I’m the fittest I’ve been in years, and dude, that feels amazing. Here’s what’s written in between the lines: it wasn’t always like that. I’ve always been an active person. More than the average Joe or [...]

By |June 1st, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Life hacks, Training and fitness|Comments Off on On the keto diet, weight loss and training for a triathlon

SALTY IN FAR WAY INDONESIA // Part 1 ~ The Getting There

Every cult has its mecca, that one place fanatics dream of experiencing with their own living soul. Surfing is no exception: Indonesia it is. In the last decade Indo has easily become the promised land for surfers and non-surfers alike, rapidly gaining popularity as one [...]

By |May 30th, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Surf|Comments Off on SALTY IN FAR WAY INDONESIA // Part 1 ~ The Getting There

SALTY IN FAR AWAY INDONESIA // Part 2 ~ Life à la Robinson Crusoe

If you missed it, read: Part 1- The Getting There  THE HABITATION We had settled into a modest land camp at the southern tip of the island. Six ocean front rooms with flower pattern mosquitos nets, a disproportionally spacious bathroom with a tiny sink, a shower [...]

By |May 29th, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Surf|Comments Off on SALTY IN FAR AWAY INDONESIA // Part 2 ~ Life à la Robinson Crusoe

SALTY IN FAR AWAY INDONESIA // Part 3 – Surfing on Razor Blades

If you haven't read them yet, first read Part 1 and Part 2. Beyond the stormy boat ride and the wild pig BBQ, the real point to coming all the way here was obviously to surf impeccable waves. But we would be lying if we [...]

By |May 28th, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Surf|Comments Off on SALTY IN FAR AWAY INDONESIA // Part 3 – Surfing on Razor Blades

5 Reasons Why You Should Go on an All Girls Surf and Yoga Trip in Ecuador

How did we all caught this “being busy” syndrome? When did it become normal to always be in a rush? How can we possibly spend our whole lives planning the future without never really being in the present? Our body and mind need a break [...]

By |March 26th, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Surf, Yoga|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why You Should Go on an All Girls Surf and Yoga Trip in Ecuador

Six subtle ways living overseas makes you a better person

1. You bounce back from embarrassment/ shame/ humiliation faster If you want to live overseas or in a different country, especially if that country speaks a different language, you have to be prepared to look stupid hundreds- nay, thousands- nay. millions- NAY. BILLIONS- of times. [...]

By |May 14th, 2019|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Six subtle ways living overseas makes you a better person

The Real Reason Why We Get Sad After Coming Home From Travel

Photo Lex Weinstein As the plane started to descend I saw my home city appear below me. After almost a year of living on the other side of the world, Adelaide looked like a toy town, like something I could cup in the palm of [...]

By |March 9th, 2019|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on The Real Reason Why We Get Sad After Coming Home From Travel

Real Talk: Travel, Surf and Following your Dreams as a Single Mother

‘Oh the places you will go’ by Dr. Seuss, is one of my favorite keepsake books, traveling with me over the last 3 decades. I have lived in over 13 countries since I was born in Africa, traveling since the age of 2. Packing a [...]

By |February 19th, 2019|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Real Talk: Travel, Surf and Following your Dreams as a Single Mother

6 reasons why you need to visit El Salvador

“Home is not the place where you happen to be born. It’s the place where you become yourself.” -Pico Iver El Salvador has been my accidental home for over two-and-a-half years. I came to explore her for two weeks and before I knew it, the [...]

By |December 28th, 2018|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on 6 reasons why you need to visit El Salvador

How to get everything you’ve ever wanted in 2019

“We have lost too many days chasing the wrong things… today is the day to make things right. Today everything can be yours.” -unknown If someones profile is going to piss you off, don’t look at it. Just don’t. Mute or unfollow every profile that [...]

By |December 28th, 2018|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on How to get everything you’ve ever wanted in 2019

Why Travel Makes You a Better Person

Traveling has never been this accessible. More and more, we are using school exchanges, working visas or just backpacking around as a common rite of passage. We all want to see the world, to live the dream, to pursue our passion and hopefully make money while [...]

By |October 11th, 2018|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Why Travel Makes You a Better Person

Les Salty Souls dans la série Surf Inc. de Ouisurf

L’automne dernier, Benjamin Rochette, fondateur de Ouisurf, nous a proposé de prendre part à son nouveau projet: Surf Inc.  À travers une web série, on présente le parcours de 10 entrepreneurs qui ont choisi de s’expatrier afin de mettre leur passion au centre de leur [...]

By |September 24th, 2018|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Les Salty Souls dans la série Surf Inc. de Ouisurf

Marie-Christine Amyot: “Make Your Own Reality”

We say things happen for a reason. Usually when someone is having a hard time in their life. My life is falling apart and you’re telling me “Everything happens for a reason”?! F*ck you… Seriously! Because, do you know what? Some things happen for absolutely [...]

By |September 19th, 2018|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Marie-Christine Amyot: “Make Your Own Reality”

The Dream House Project: Part 1- the Commitment

We are sitting at a round table in the bank, in the very middle of San Salvador. There's three women in the room; me, Tanya- the notary, and Doña Vilma- the 77-year-old woman selling me her land. Tanya is reading us the deed in Spanish [...]

By |May 20th, 2018|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on The Dream House Project: Part 1- the Commitment

I Wasn’t Ready

Going to a foreign country for the first time has a lot of unknowns. I didn’t know if I'd like it, if I'd be safe, if I'd be myself, nothing…I was walking in blind. I didn’t know how I could prepare myself, so I just [...]

By |November 18th, 2017|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on I Wasn’t Ready

Get present with your discomfort

For all of those moments that are pure bliss, bright and shiny, full of love and laughter, there are moments that are uncomfortable. The happy moments are welcomed, content we live in the present with them and cling to them from our past. I say [...]

By |July 6th, 2017|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Get present with your discomfort

Salty in Ecuador : the Recap !

The Salty Souls just completed their first season Ayampe, Ecuador. Here, participant Ashley Dujlovic recaps the nine day experience. Sometimes it takes a week away with other strong, like-minded, and hilarious women to remind you that you are capable of anything. There are not enough [...]

By |March 12th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, Surf, Yoga|Comments Off on Salty in Ecuador : the Recap !

Life Without a Plan – Heading ‘Wherever’

I want to tell this story about when I was in my mid to late twenties. At the time I had been working as a manual therapist at Tyax and Last Frontier Heli-skiing for five years in northern BC. I would take a Heli from Vancouver [...]

By |February 16th, 2017|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Life Without a Plan – Heading ‘Wherever’

It’s Not About Being Fearless

In the last year alone, I have lived and surfed in El Salvador, climbed a volcano in Guatemala, travelled Europe and currently live and snowboard in Golden, BC. Where will I be in a year time? I don't know. And maybe that's why a few [...]

By |February 3rd, 2017|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on It’s Not About Being Fearless

Would You go to a Sober Dance Party? – Moonlight Dance –

The supermoon is out and i’m covered in sweat. We’ve been dancing for the past hour, all twenty of us women. And I mean, we’re really going for it. The ground is vibrating with the stomps of feet. We’re passionate, and it’s tangible. Limbs are [...]

By |November 21st, 2016|Categories: Adventure, Yoga|Comments Off on Would You go to a Sober Dance Party? – Moonlight Dance –