
Surfing: the sport of freedom? Not if you’re gay

Surfing: the sport of freedom? Surfing. It's the sport of freedom, they'll say. I've said it myself a million times. In the sea, sitting astride my surfboard I am free, unburdened, open, raw. "How strange it was to see men do something beautiful," Tim Winton wrote in his book Breath. "Something pointless and elegant, as though nobody saw or cared.” And it's true, in surfing, no one cares. Men are allowed to be elegant and graceful. They're allowed to be moved to tears when talking about [...]

Seasonal depression: 10 things to do to boost your energy and mood!

It’s starting to get grey outside AND it’s cold as fuck. You wake up- it’s dark, you come back from work- it’s already dark. Let’s be honest, beginning of winter is definitely NOT the time of the year where we have the most energy. Don’t [...]

6 reasons why you need to visit El Salvador

“Home is not the place where you happen to be born. It’s the place where you become yourself.” -Pico Iver El Salvador has been my accidental home for over two-and-a-half years. I came to explore her for two weeks and before I knew it, the [...]

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Surf Competitions: How do they Actually Freaking Work?

Everyone can agree that everything related to surf is pretty cool. So are surf competitions. They're fun to watch, they connect us to our surfing inspirations and it's pretty nice to see people killing [...]

  • erika lust

Lady Porn; Best Erotic Content for Women

Lady Porn; Best Erotic Content for Women   “You do not know what you are missing by your microscopic examination of sexual activity to the exclusion of aspects which are fuel that ignites it. [...]

PRANAYAMA – How learning to control your breath will make you a super-human

Have you ever met someone who was just so full of life, it felt like they were radiating? Someone that had a perceivable magnetism, and therefore seemed to be attracting all the good into [...]

How to get everything you’ve ever wanted in 2019

“We have lost too many days chasing the wrong things… today is the day to make things right. Today everything can be yours.” -unknown If someones profile is going to piss you off, don’t look at it. Just don’t. Mute or unfollow every profile that [...]

15 Ways to Work While Traveling

Written by Matthew Kepnes Don’t have enough money to go traveling? Think you can’t save enough in your current situation to realize your dream of traveling the world? Well, you are wrong. The perception that travel is expensive keeps many people from embarking on a journey [...]

Before anything, belong to yourself

"You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great..." -MAYA ANGELOU If your year was a book, what kind of genre would it be? She asked. It would be [...]

Burn it all Down: Reasons why we Self Sabotage

You’ve just received the career opportunity of a lifetime. A new job, or an invitation into a new project, a new client, a new business opportunity, or a promotion. The kind of thing you’ve dreamed about for years. Like, beyond-the-realms-of-wildest-dreams cool. The kind of opportunity [...]

  • @anisha_o

This one is for the WILD ONES

“Some days I am more wolf than woman and I’m still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild.” - Nikita Gill   Coming across this short poem has hit me, shook me, straight to the heart. How to stop apologizing for my wild…? How to [...]

Bali Style Corn Fritters w. Avocado-Yogurt dip

↠ Défilez vers le bas pour la version française The cool thing about Bali is that the breakfast/brunch culture is very strong (at least in the foreigners’ parts Canggu and the Bukit-Uluwatu). You literally can have breakfast at every moment of the day. I don’t know [...]

How to see the light when everything gets dark

Today, I sat still in the ocean, holding on to my surfboard like it was the only thing keeping me alive, and I cried out loud in the middle of the big blue. Drifting away, giving up, giving in, surrendering to the all-mighty ocean. I [...]