
If you weren’t afraid of being rejected, what would you do?

Featured image: Théo Gosselin If you weren’t afraid of being rejected, what would you do? I lower my gaze for a second and take a short, shallow breath. My gut is wrapped in a tight ball. Mind racing. Heart pounding. So much to say and yet, no words seem to be escaping the gate of my lips. I look up into his dark eyes; I would tell you that I think you are special, and be honest about how I’m feeling for you. I would [...]

Why it’s ok to keep your relationship off social media

“I have a question for you.” A friend asked me the other day. That question never fails to jolt me into a state of half-terror / half excitement. It’s a question that gets the blood going and the heart racing, a game that has a [...]

How to Survive Being an Introvert in an Extrovert’s World

"Why are we like this?” I found myself saying to my friend over the phone the other day, the guilt and embarrassment hot in my throat. I was in my room, alone, with the doors shut, while conversation buzzed outside. I had been around people [...]

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Surf Competitions: How do they Actually Freaking Work?

Everyone can agree that everything related to surf is pretty cool. So are surf competitions. They're fun to watch, they connect us to our surfing inspirations and it's pretty nice to see people killing [...]

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Lady Porn; Best Erotic Content for Women

Lady Porn; Best Erotic Content for Women   “You do not know what you are missing by your microscopic examination of sexual activity to the exclusion of aspects which are fuel that ignites it. [...]

PRANAYAMA – How learning to control your breath will make you a super-human

Have you ever met someone who was just so full of life, it felt like they were radiating? Someone that had a perceivable magnetism, and therefore seemed to be attracting all the good into [...]

Quinoa walnut sliders w. granny smith & fennel slaw

Many a brave soul has made the heroic attempt to make the transition from the classic meat burger to a ''healthier' meat-free version. However, as the great Eminem once said, you usually only have one shot -one opportunity- to convince your family, friends (or the [...]

Best Surf Spots (Beginner+Intermediate): Las Flores, El Salvador

What's the Surf Spot Series ? It's the Salty Team's favorite surf spots 😉 When it comes to surfing, it’s never easy to pick the right spot, especially as beginners. There are so many and they all work better at different time of the year, [...]

  • post-surf stretches

5 Best Post-Surf Stretches

Wether we are pro-riders or pro-at-wiping-out, we all experience pretty serious tensions in our neck, shoulders and back from surfing. Treating yo'self with 10 minutes of stretching can significantly enhance your chances of feeling fresh for tomorrow's sesh, as well as increase your longevity. (Or [...]

The 7 Commandments of the Salty Club Food Philosophy

We believe everybody should make a transition to a HEALTHIER FOOD DIET for environmental, physical/mental health and economic reasons. When it comes to nutrition, there are many schools of thought. Here are the 7 main commandments of the Salty Club food philosophy.   We believe [...]

8 Most Magical Yoga Centers Around the World

1 -The Yoga Barn - Ubud, Bali, Indonesia Facebook | Instagram I don't even have words to describe our magical this place is... For me, the Barn is the source. It's where it all started, where I've done my Yoga Teach Training, and where I keep going [...]

My tribute to a legend + a reflection on nutrition and mood disorders

Yesterday morning I woke up with more new message in my inbox than usual. WOOoAH how damn popular I am!? my ego suggested. Opening them, my self-enthousiasm quickly switched to sadness. "Hey , did you hear the news? Apparently Anthony Bourdain is dead!’’ (Anthony Bourdain [...]

Your story isn’t finished. It isn’t even close.

I’m in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I need to get back to Albuquerque before nightfall, because I’ve rented out a little tiny wagon home for the night, before my flight out of the States the next day. I don’t know why I chose the tiny [...]