Let’s Talk Instragram – The Essena O’Neill Storm & How To Use IG Positively
If you've been online anywhere in the Western World this week chances are you've heard of Essena O'Neill. Otherwise known in the mainstream media as the famous young Instagram model who doused her career in gasoline, set it on fire and danced around the flames with the whole world watching. Not too long ago, Essena had over half a million Instagram followers and a quarter of a million subscribers on her YouTube channel. But then in what the media is calling a "breakdown" she deleted [...]
Take Control of your Dreams
Have you ever asked yourself what was your reason for existence? Why you were put on this earth? Who you were meant to be? Well, these days, those questions seem to haunt me. Ever since I was a child, I was told I had to [...]
5 Reasons Crazy Girls Do It Better
There's a certain little word that likes to be tacked on to women who choose to live outside a certain accepted norm. And this label is "crazy". Not only does it put negative connotations to those who actually are living with a mental illness (not [...]
Most Popular
Everyone can agree that everything related to surf is pretty cool. So are surf competitions. They're fun to watch, they connect us to our surfing inspirations and it's pretty nice to see people killing [...]
Research shows that women’s pleasure is often more multifaceted and responsive to emotional, contextual, and psychological factors compared to men’s. Studies have found that women’s arousal and satisfaction tend to be influenced by a [...]
Have you ever met someone who was just so full of life, it felt like they were radiating? Someone that had a perceivable magnetism, and therefore seemed to be attracting all the good into [...]
Compétition de Kitesurf – Le Come-Back
Un come-back, si je fais juste me l’imaginer comme ça dans ma tête, c’est toujours un peu Rocky-style : la musique triomphante, la foule en délire, le poing levé… dans ma tête, un come-back, c’est glorieux. Mais un come-back d’une blessure dont la période de rémission [...]
6 Months of Mondays in Paradise – The Truth
Half a year living on the beautiful island of Bali. 174 days to be really precise. That’s 27 Mondays where I’ve woken up to a bright blue sky and the freedom to manage my schedule. And it’s also a big fat total of 0 days [...]
How to Turn Your Mood Up in 10 Seconds Flat
Wheatgrass Shots for the Soul In a world where people are valued for their productivity it is all too easy to tell ourselves we're too busy for something as recreational and self indulgent as "happiness". We like to think of happiness as this far-off utopia [...]
Want to Get Rich Quick? Try These 3 Easy Steps.
What if I told you I have found a tried-and-tested get rich quick scheme that will instantly make you the richest person in the world? I'm not going to ask you to whip out your credit card or provide you with a link to some [...]
Why 1 + 1 Doesn’t Always = More
The second we learnt that one plus one equals two we assumed it gospel that adding always equals more. Tom has one car and buys one more: how many does he have? James has one car but has to sell one: how many does he [...]
Your Permission Slip to the Epic Life
Here at Salty we're about chasing the epic life. And chances are if you've landed here you share a similar yearning for a more fulfilling life but are awaiting some sort of sign or permission slip to get cracking. Consider this your permission slip. Salty [...]
Who’s Steering Your Ship? Ego versus Self
What if I told you that there's been someone else beside you, whispering in your ear since the day you were born? She was there with you in kindergarden when you snatched the paintbrush from that little boy, convincing you that you needed the instrument [...]