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The cool thing about Bali is that the breakfast/brunch culture is very strong (at least in the foreigners’ parts Canggu and the Bukit-Uluwatu). You literally can have breakfast at every moment of the day. I don’t know if it’s more convenient to the party people that get up late or the early surfers that skip breakfast to catch the first uncrowded waves of the day. But I’ve been on both sides and was pretty stoked to get my cappuccino and smoothie bowl in the middle of the afternoon. And seriously, what’s worse in life than craving for a breakfast, getting excited on your way to the restaurant thinking of what you’re going to order, only then to be told by the waitress that they don’t serve breakfast anymore. You’re feeling the panic growing in you after she drops the news like a bomb, you see her, pen and scratch pad in hands, still there, waiting for your order. Then you just wanna scream:

GURL I CAME FOR MY CLASSIC BANANA FRENCH TOAST, YOU CAN’T EXPECT ME TO SWITCH TO BURGER/FRENCH FRIES MODE LIKE THAT! I mean, can you please think of the mourning process I’m going through before pressuring me?! (so hard to find humanity and compassion these days…)

Anyway! All this blabla to say that this recipe got its inspiration in a cute little café in Bali this summer. I thought it was a cool and different idea so I decided to create my own and served it to our Salty groups this season in El Salvador. Absolute hit!!!

↠ Ingredients ↞

Serves 4 people if served with sides*


For the corn fritters

½ cup of green onions, finely chopped

2 cup of corn (fresh or frozen)

2 small eggs

½ cup of corn flour

½ teaspoon of salt

fresh ground pepper

Pinch of cumin (optional)


For the avocado-yogurt dip

3 small avocados

¼ cup of natural greek yogurt

1 green onion finely chopped

The juice of half a lime

½ teaspoon of salt

Chopped cilantro for topping

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↠ How to ↞

For the corn fritters

  1. In a large non-sticking pan over medium heat, drizzle with olive oil and cook the green onions and corn for 3 minutes (until soft).
  2. Put in a large bowl, add the rest of ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon, until homogeneous. Put in fridge for 20 minutes to cool the mix down (this step could be skipped but it’s going to be easier to form fritters).
  3. Using both your hand palms, shape the mixture into 8 uniform balls (about 1.5 inch diam.). Then, using your fingertips, flatten into patties.
  4. In the same large non-sticking pan, drizzle with olive oil, heat over medium-high and add the corn fritters. Cook 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown and firm.

For the avocado-yogurt dip

  1. Put all ingredient in food processor (except cilantro) and pulse until you get a smooth but still a little chunky texture. Top with chopped cilantro and serve with the fritters.


*For a perfect brunch Bali Style, serve with sautéed spinach &/or collard greens, sourdough bread and a vibrant smoothie!

Croquettes de maïs, dip avocat yogourt

Parfait pour alléger le temps des fêtes avec un brunch style BALI.

↠ Ingrédients ↞

Donne environ 4 portions si servis avec accompagnements.


Pour les croquettes

½ tasse d’oignons verts finement hachés

2 tasses de maïs en grains (frais ou congelé)

2 petits œufs

½ tasse de farine de maïs

½ cuillère à thé de sel

Poivre moulu

Une pincée de cumin (optionel)


Pour le dip avocat yogourt

3 petits avocats

¼ tasse de yogourt grec nature

1 oignon vert finement haché

Le jus d’une demi lime

½ cuillère à thé de sel

Coriandre hachée, pour la garniture

↠ Marche à suivre

Pour les croquettes

  1. Dans une grande poêle anti adhésive chauffée à feu moyen fort, faire revenir les oignons verts et le maïs dans un filet d’huile d’olive environ 3 minutes.
  2. Transférer dans un gros bol, ajouter tous les autres ingrédients et bien mélanger avec une cuillère de bois. Réfrigérer une vingtaine de minutes (vous pourriez sauter cette étape mais elle permet de former les croquettes plus facilement).
  3. Retirer l’appareil du réfrigérateur et en utilisant le creux de vos mains, former 8 boules uniformes d’environ 2-3 centimètres. Aplatissez-les légèrement du bout des doigts de manière à former des croquettes.
  4. Dans la même poêle anti adhésive, chauffer un généreux filet d’huile d’olive à feu moyen fort et dorer les croquettes environ 3 minutes de chaque côté.

Pour le dip avocat yogourt

  1. Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un robot culinaire (à l’exception de la coriandre) et pulser jusqu’à l’obtention d’une texture homogène mais pas trop lisse (on veut de la texture). Parsemer de coriandre hachée et servez avec les croquettes de maïs.


*Pour un brunch encore plus Bali, servez avec des épinards et/ou bette à carde sautés, un pain au levain et un smoothie plein de vitalité !


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