Is Surfing Enough Exercise, or Do Surfers Need Extra Training?

    There's nothing more satisfying than that surfed-out feeling; the tired spaghetti arms, the ache in your neck, that feeling that for the last few hours, you were really moving. Surfing is a full-body workout, and pushes our strength, cardiovascular endurance and balance. You might find yourself [...]

    By |January 13th, 2025|Categories: Surf, Training and fitness|Comments Off on Is Surfing Enough Exercise, or Do Surfers Need Extra Training?

      Dew Promchareon on Thailand’s Growing Surf Scene

      In this article, Caitlin Creeper sits down to talk Thailand's Growing Surf Scene with Dew Promchareon. Where are you from? Rayong, Thailand. I learnt how to surf there but I usually move down to Phuket or Khao Lak as they get more swell. I am [...]

      By |November 4th, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Empowerment, Surf, Training and fitness, Travel, Wellness|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Dew Promchareon on Thailand’s Growing Surf Scene

        How to Train According to Your Menstrual Cycle

        How to Train According to Your Menstrual Cycle. How did the USA women’s soccer team win the World Cup in 2019? Cycle charting. I read this in a news story soon after the Women’s Football World Cup and was truly astounded! ⁣ I’m sure a [...]

        By |July 21st, 2022|Categories: Training and fitness, Wellness|Comments Off on How to Train According to Your Menstrual Cycle

          Why sleep is more important than diet or exercise

          Did you know, most of the time people have cravings- it's a sign that they’re just tired. Did you know if you have a poor nights sleep, you’re more likely to have a poor memory the next day, because you didn’t give your mind a [...]

          By |July 1st, 2022|Categories: Training and fitness, Wellness|Tags: , |Comments Off on Why sleep is more important than diet or exercise

            On the keto diet, weight loss and training for a triathlon

            Hi, my name is Erika. I’m 30 years old. I’m the fittest I’ve been in years, and dude, that feels amazing. Here’s what’s written in between the lines: it wasn’t always like that. I’ve always been an active person. More than the average Joe or [...]

            By |June 1st, 2022|Categories: Adventure, Life hacks, Training and fitness|Comments Off on On the keto diet, weight loss and training for a triathlon

              PRANAYAMA – How learning to control your breath will make you a super-human

              Have you ever met someone who was just so full of life, it felt like they were radiating? Someone that had a perceivable magnetism, and therefore seemed to be attracting all the good into their field… A freakin' gravitational force…!? The Chinese call it chi, [...]

              By |October 16th, 2018|Categories: Training and fitness, Yoga|Comments Off on PRANAYAMA – How learning to control your breath will make you a super-human