
Hey Universe- Thankyou for not Giving me what I Thought I Wanted.

Feature Image: Alex Weinstein Exactly one year ago today I was an editorial intern at the largest independent women's website in Australia. And at the time it felt like the Single Most Important Goal of my Entire Life to be employed at the end of [...]

By |September 6th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Hey Universe- Thankyou for not Giving me what I Thought I Wanted.

The Power of Looking Silly (and not caring that you do)

I'm standing in a corner store in Nicaragua, trying to talk myself into buying a bottle of water from the lady behind the counter. "un botella de agua, por favor" That's all I need to say. I know it, I've rehearsed it, I've seen it [...]

By |August 26th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on The Power of Looking Silly (and not caring that you do)

2 Years a Nomad – Redefining HOME, LOVE & PRIORITIES

Two years. It’s been two years now that I've been living with no fixed address (mostly in places where there is no postal service anyways). Two years of nomadism, spent living in 10 different countries. I can’t help but be reflective today… As i am [...]

By |July 19th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on 2 Years a Nomad – Redefining HOME, LOVE & PRIORITIES

Envision Festival: The 70’s are still alive…

10 months ago. I’m landing once more onto my favorite Island; Bali. I know I’ll be here for a quite a while this time and this is only day 1. I’m ecstatic. I remember that night so clearly. This homecoming feeling. The joy of getting [...]

By |April 19th, 2016|Categories: Adventure, Yoga|Comments Off on Envision Festival: The 70’s are still alive…

Marie-Christine on being in Ecuador During the Earthquake

Four hundred and thirteen people (at time of writing) have been killed and a further 2500 have been injured after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit coastal Ecuador around 7pm (GMT) Saturday night. Salty Souls co-founder Marie-Christine Amyot was about 160 miles from the epicentre in the town of [...]

By |April 18th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Marie-Christine on being in Ecuador During the Earthquake

Costa Rica : Realizing that I’ve become THAT girl

Here I am, back in Costa Rica, 5 years later. It is always a funny feeling, coming back to a place where you’ve been before. Memories come back to mind. You think of who you were with, and how things were at that moment. It allows you to measure [...]

By |March 10th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Costa Rica : Realizing that I’ve become THAT girl

The Salty Souls Experience: What Was it Really Like ?

It has become a habit of mine to embark on long trips to distant places, simply to displace myself, to uproot myself from home. I used to think that I left to escape, but now I realize that sometimes I just need to leave, to [...]

By |January 26th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on The Salty Souls Experience: What Was it Really Like ?

MAROC: Tomber follement amoureuse

Photos par Michael Warchild prisent en 35mm J’ai voyagé dans plus de 25 pays différents dans les dernières années. J’ai eu la chance de vivre des expériences différentes et plus enrichissantes les unes que les autres. De me [...]

By |January 4th, 2016|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on MAROC: Tomber follement amoureuse

Compétition de Kitesurf – Le Come-Back

Un come-back, si je fais juste me l’imaginer comme ça dans ma tête, c’est toujours un peu Rocky-style : la musique triomphante, la foule en délire,  le poing levé… dans ma tête, un come-back, c’est glorieux. Mais un come-back d’une blessure dont la période de rémission [...]

By |October 22nd, 2015|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Compétition de Kitesurf – Le Come-Back

6 Months of Mondays in Paradise – The Truth

Half a year living on the beautiful island of Bali. 174 days to be really precise. That’s 27 Mondays where I’ve woken up to a bright blue sky and the freedom to manage my schedule. And it’s also a big fat total of 0 days [...]

By |October 21st, 2015|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on 6 Months of Mondays in Paradise – The Truth

Your Permission Slip to the Epic Life

Here at Salty we're about chasing the epic life. And chances are if you've landed here you share a similar yearning for a more fulfilling life but are awaiting some sort of sign or permission slip to get cracking.  Consider this your permission slip. Salty [...]

By |September 26th, 2015|Categories: Adventure, Empowerment|Comments Off on Your Permission Slip to the Epic Life

Road-Tripping Solo in Australia

THE LONELY ROAD Indonesia and all its magic already felt like a simple daydream when I landed in Australia. I was on my way to meet a friend in Byron Bay and I had planed to stay there for a month. It was my second [...]

By |February 9th, 2015|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Road-Tripping Solo in Australia

Why Do We Really Travel? (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

On the outside, it looked like I was living the dream. But on the inside, I was falling apart. 4 months ago, in the midst of building 2 businesses, prepping my first TEDx talk, and working on countless other projects… I started to break down. [...]

By |September 5th, 2014|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Why Do We Really Travel? (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

Letting Go

“Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past. Stop planning the future. Stop figuring out precisely how we feel. Stop deciding exactly what we want and just see what happens.” When I jumped on the plane to Indonesia, my first goal was to get lost [...]

By |August 31st, 2014|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Letting Go

Ubud – A Sweet Surrender

Yesterday, for the first time ever since I do yoga, I felt like crying at the end of my practice. I was not sad. I was actually feeling wonderfully relieved! Truly, what I felt is harder to describe… I have to admit I was confused [...]

By |July 13th, 2014|Categories: Adventure, Yoga|Comments Off on Ubud – A Sweet Surrender

I say JUMP !

This story is about being exactly where you want to be, every day of your life. A few weeks ago, I told you about my constant and haunting desire to dive into a new adventure, travel the world as if I was on a never-ending [...]

By |June 20th, 2014|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on I say JUMP !

L’Insoutenable (et Récurrente) Envie de Partir

« Partir » : le plus beau mot de la langue française. Vous savez que vous êtes prêt à l’employer. « Partons. » « Il faut partir. ». Vos bagages sont faits, et vous savez que le passé n’est qu’un amas confus posé derrière vous qu’il faut tenter d’oublier, puisque vous êtes [...]

By |April 8th, 2014|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on L’Insoutenable (et Récurrente) Envie de Partir