
About Dominique Granger

French Canadian digital nomad. Tough time staying in one place, no matter if it’s a chair or a place to live: I need to move! Action sports are my thing, either in front or behind the lens. Most things I do evolve around Sports, Media, Travels and Fun. And maybe food, too. My motto: When in doubt, laugh it out.

The art of farting at yoga

Disclaimer: If you are taking yoga lessons with me, well… now you know it all. Inspired by all the “Women Who Don’t Give A Fuck”, today I let down a mask: I fart at Yoga. I mean… who doesn’t? Ok, I may do it slightly [...]

By |June 12th, 2019|Categories: Yoga|Comments Off on The art of farting at yoga

Compétition de Kitesurf – Le Come-Back

Un come-back, si je fais juste me l’imaginer comme ça dans ma tête, c’est toujours un peu Rocky-style : la musique triomphante, la foule en délire,  le poing levé… dans ma tête, un come-back, c’est glorieux. Mais un come-back d’une blessure dont la période de rémission [...]

By |October 22nd, 2015|Categories: Adventure|Comments Off on Compétition de Kitesurf – Le Come-Back