Salty Souls Experience

Your two-month check-in: journalling exercises to tune-up your intentions and get you firing again!!

We’re officially two months into 2018, where January seemed to last a year and February passed in two days. So now is a great time to check-in with yourself, where you’re at, and where you’re heading into March and April. It’s journalling time!

Do the goals you made at the start of the year still feel good to you, or have your desires changed? Are you liking where you’re headed, or is it time to change tack a little bit and set another course? Where do you want to go from here?

Find a quiet spot, and set aside at least half an hour. Put on some music that makes you feel all jazzy, make a tea, or coffee, or a wine (whatever, we don’t judge). Feel free to jump around and answer whatever questions call to you. You do not have to complete them all.

Let’s do this.

























When you feel satisfied and complete with the questions, take a minute to sit, breathe, and ground into the conversation you just had with yourself. Gently close your eyes and take some unhurried, deep breaths. Then put your hands over your heart, one over the other, and squeeze your arms at your sides, like you are giving yourself a big giant hug. Exhale. Sit with it. With love and reverence, allow the first two months of the year to drift away from you, like a paper boat floating away across a lake, until it has drifted so far away from you it disappears. It’s done now. That’s it. You did the best you could with what you had, and now that chapter is over.

Take a big deep breath, breathing in March, and with it the clean air of fresh possibilities. And say “I’m ready for ya, motherfucker!”


Feature image: Aislin Wallick