Salty Souls Experience

Raspberry Chia Pudding

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With the term Superfood  came the name of its most well-known ambassador, the king of all, the notorious chia seed. Its popularity just exploded in the past few years and it became THE healthy thing YOU HAD to incorporate in your everyday diet (alongside queen Kale obviously). Let’s be honest, we’ve seen more than our fair share of chia pudding recipes on the internet, specifically on Instagram, but the thing is; you might still ignore the best way to eat it! And today’s best news is: I’ma tell ya now !

So listen here: the best way to eat it, is to actually make it rise in fruit puree.  Yup, yup, fruit puree… And Oh – Sweet – Baby – Jesus, it is DA trick!!! Trust me. It gives it a soooo damn good taste full of personality and freshness and a vibrant color! You must garnish it with tons of toppings with different textures just like you would do with your smoothie bowl, to increase fun and nutritional intake.

But aside being trendy, chia seeds are full of nutrition. As the queen of the crazy wipe outs, I always wonder how my body can handle all it’s going through when surfing. It is seriously not human. If you too, you want to become an elastic weirdo surfer, solidify your bones and improve your muscular recovery, chia seeds are the go to because it is full of calcium easily assimilable by your body and also, amino acids. It is full of fibers and it’s carbohydrates are slowly digested,which makes it a great option when performing longterm activities. It’s a good source of vegetal proteins, Omega-3, antioxidants, iron, magnesium did potassium which can help you increase your muscular endurance.

↠ Ingredients ↞

Makes about 2 to 3 servings *


1 cup of unsweetened almond or soy milk

1 cup of raspberry puree (about 2 cups of frozen raspberries, thawed and mixed in blender until liquid)

1/4 cup of maple syrup

1/2 cup of whole chia seeds


Topping Suggestions

Natural or vanilla Greek yogurt, for a protein boost

Roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped (or other nuts), to add crunch and protein

Raspberries, blueberries and/or strawberries (or other fresh fruits)

Raw cocoa nibs, for their crunchy, bitterness, magnesium and antioxidants


Superfood such as moringa powder, maca, bee pollen or other


↠ How to ↞


  1. Mix the almond milk, the raspberry puree and the maple syrup well, then add the chia seeds and mix well. Allow to rest and expand overnight.
  2. When you’re ready to eat, garnish with a good tablespoon of Greek yogurt, hazelnuts, raspberries and raw cocoa nibs or any other garnish of your choice.


Chia pudding is great for volcano hikes! Photo by Dominique Granger

Pudding de chia à la purée de framboise

↠ Ingrédients ↞


Donne environ 2 à 3 portions*


1t de lait d’amande ou de soya non sucré

1t de coulis de framboises (environ 2 t de framboises congelées, dégelées et passées au mélangeur jusqu’à l’obtention d’un résultat liquide)

1/4 t de sirop d’érable

1/2t de graines de chia entières


Suggestions de garnitures

Yogourt grec nature ou à la vanille, pour un boost d’apport en protéines

Noisettes torréfiées, hachées grossièrement (ou autres noix), pour ajouter du croquant et des protéines

Framboises, bleuets et/ou fraises (ou autres fruits frais)

Éclats de cacao cru, pour leur croquant, leur amertume et l’apport en magnésium et anti-oxydants


Superfood tel que poudre de moringa, maca, pollen d’abeille ou autre

↠ Marche à suivre ↞

  1. Bien mélanger le lait d’amande, le coulis de framboise et le sirop d’érable, puis, bien incorporer les graines de chia. Laisser gonfler toute la nuit.
  2. Au moment de déguster, garnir d’une bonne cuillère à soupe de yogourt grec, de noisettes, de framboises et d’éclats de cacao cru ou tout autre garniture de votre choix.