Salty Souls Experience

Post workout – Peanut Butter and Tofu Jar

When I get back from a surf session, I often get huge instant sugar cravings.

I guess I am so exhausted that my body is looking for a fast & easy energy boost right away. In these cases, it is so damn easy to start binge-eating the full-sugar full-butter brownies or cookie leftovers rather than cook or prepare myself something balanced and healthy. And it is so daaaamn satisfying! But let’s be honest, it might not be optimal for my body recovery. The Peanut Butter and Tofu Jar is a good option for these sweet cravings. It takes ten minutes to make- or can be made in advance and kept in the fridge.

After your workout, your body tries to rebuild its glycogen stores and repair and regrow those muscle proteins. Proteins from tofu and peanut butter help repair and build muscle while carbs (fruit, peanut butter, chocolate, honey) will help with recovery.

Serves 4


1 silky tofu

1/3 cup of natural peanut butter

¼ to ½ cup of almond milk (or any other nut milk)

¼ cup of honey

½ teaspoon of vanilla

1 ½ teaspoon of lemon juice

pinch of salt


For Garnish

Crushed cookies or granola (for a little crunch)

Dark chocolate chips

Fruit such as bananas, strawberries, blueberries, mango etc. (for freshness and acidity)


Put all the ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until well combined, smooth and creamy. Add more almond milk to taste, if it’s too thick. Separate in 4 small jars or ramekins.

Garnish with ingredients of your choice. (you could also layer the peanut butter-tofu mixture with the selected garnishes such as suggested on the cover picture.)