Salty Souls Experience

Rad Women Worldwide: Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History

In a world full of discrimination, Rad Women Worldwide, by Kate Schatz, quickly brings our attention back to some 40 of the most influential international trailblazers in history – and they’re all women.

The book is a collection of their most memorable stories and an example of the range of talent, perseverance and sheer strength women embody across the world.

I found myself being attracted to the book by first glance. It is decorated with bright colors and cut-out illustrations by the talented Miriam Klein Stahl. I quickly recognized two of the cover illustrations as my personal role models – Frida Khalo and Malala Yousafzai.

Each page is decorated with an illustration as well as their accomplishments and the issues they faced in their lifetime. The stories prove that women have had to overcome boundaries that are not present for those of the opposite sex, but we have continually done so with poise and grace and an equal amount of strength as a man.

This book is a tool to spark the interest of learning more about these women. I found myself wanting to independently research each one, looking further into their remarkable lives and becoming inspired to grow stronger and taller.

The United States has been in conflict over the Dakota Access Pipeline is expected to run through the Standing Rock Sioux tribal land. This is not only sacred land, but it is of a huge environmental concern for all people in the surrounding areas.

“Close the book feeling empowered and motivated to press on with even your most seemingly intangible goals.”

This struck a chord when I read about the Mapuche Indian sisters of Chile. The Quintreman sisters were most known for the environmental activism and the preservation of sacred land in southern Chile. Unfortunately, these dams flooded the Mapuche valley due to the desire to power the growing economy of the country.

These are just a couple of the extraordinary women you’ll have the chance to share a cup of coffee or a glass of wine with. Let their lives be of an inspiration to yours. Close the book feeling empowered and motivated to press on with even your most seemingly intangible goals.

Place it on your coffee table, and it’s sure to start a discussion by those who take a glance; a discussion deserving of attention and one worth being apart of.